Eggert Family Genealogy


Birth:        about 1660
Religion:     Catholic

Father:    Hans Michel Lämmel (*c1635 ✝︎>1684)

    1. Johannes Lœmmill Sen (*c1690 ✝︎1761/1763 Waldhambach, Pfalz, Germany)
    2. Johann Adam Lämmel (*c1692 ✝︎1745 Waldhambach, Pfalz, Germany)

Hypothetical father of Johann Lämmel and Johann Adam Lämmel in Waldhambach. He may have died before November 1739, leaving behind a widow Maria Catharina, who served as godmother to Johann Philipp Wolffer on 9 Nov 1739.

Sources: LÄMMEL(ID: Wh-35a), WALDH(*1739/Nov8 (Johann Philipp Wolffer))
UUID: 5cd8f0e2-85e7-41a3-bbdc-cd7c9023a391
Last changed: 5 Feb 2023